why couldn't it be easy?

We started out friends,i fell far too quickly,and i know if you felt the same you could be with me. fall in love bet your lifecause nothing but this has felt so right.fall in love try too hard.ponder memoriesyou can't discard.fall in love ,forget the past you want to make these moments last.fall in love live the moment.the past has passed.i should have known it.fall in love.undo mistakes with the new love you will create.fall in love do as you choose.for in the past,there's nothing for you.so fall in love.with me, right now.win me over,i know you know how.please fall in love.it's time to leave.please fall for us,please fall for me.i know you're worried.this could be a fling.but i want this more,more than anything.forget what they've said,it will be worth it in the end,forget what i've said..we started out friends..