
jag skulle inte klara mig utan dig.

The day I realized your not there
Is the day where I start to compare
You are one I can not lose
Your friendship to me i can not refuse   

But at the same time
You make me want to commit a crime
I love you so much
I never want to lose that touch

You are such a great friend to me
To this many would disagree
I do wish you were there for me more
and that makes me feel so torn

But don't get me wrong you are amazing
Even though you're very lazy
I will still always love you
And our friendship will always stay true

No matter what we fight about
Our friendship always sorts it out
We would be so lost without each other
You are pretty much my brother...

love you<3

Postat av: benny


2009-03-06 @ 13:02:36

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